盐田蛇口南沙 阿比让 马普托海运拼箱好价格
文章编号:1蒙巴萨 阿比让 马普托 洛美 达累斯萨拉姆 卡萨布兰卡 科托努 阿尔及尔 拉格斯
UPS通知,自4月1日起,以下欧洲国家申报价值在150欧元以上的货物,运单上需要体现收件方的IOSS号码,否则会产生清关准备费(Entry Preparation Fee),此费用将由收件人/清关行支付,如是DDP货物则向寄件人收取(具体费用账单为准)。
UPS charges an Entry Preparation Fee for the validation and submission of brokerage data customs authorities, as well as to cover the additional liability that UPS assumes for undertaking these activities.
Effective 1 April 2023.the Entry Preparation Fee will be applied to every import shipment subject to formal customs entry requirements and not reguirina duties. taxes and other governmental charaes pre-paid on behalf of the paver.
Shipments cleared through lOSS or shipments where the Disbursement Fee is applied will be exempt from such Entry Preparation Fee.
月27日 每个成功者,都要穿越不为人知的黑暗,强者不是没有眼泪,只是能含着泪向前跑!不怕这世界对我们残忍,怕的是对自己的放纵!
盐田蛇口南沙 好价格,有柜请多询价!
客户单证100/份 专业合规安全申报!经验丰富!放行率超高!
公司渠道稳定可靠!超低查验率!通关快捷!诚信合作!安全报关 值得信赖,愿为您解决通关困扰!,文章出处:深圳海运,作者:深圳西管
蒙巴萨 阿比让 马普托 洛美 达累斯萨拉姆 卡萨布兰卡 科托努 阿尔及尔 拉格斯
UPS通知,自4月1日起,以下欧洲国家申报价值在150欧元以上的货物,运单上需要体现收件方的IOSS号码,否则会产生清关准备费(Entry Preparation Fee),此费用将由收件人/清关行支付,如是DDP货物则向寄件人收取(具体费用账单为准)。
UPS charges an Entry Preparation Fee for the validation and submission of brokerage data customs authorities, as well as to cover the additional liability that UPS assumes for undertaking these activities.
Effective 1 April 2023.the Entry Preparation Fee will be applied to every import shipment subject to formal customs entry requirements and not reguirina duties. taxes and other governmental charaes pre-paid on behalf of the paver.
Shipments cleared through lOSS or shipments where the Disbursement Fee is applied will be exempt from such Entry Preparation Fee.
月27日 每个成功者,都要穿越不为人知的黑暗,强者不是没有眼泪,只是能含着泪向前跑!不怕这世界对我们残忍,怕的是对自己的放纵!
盐田蛇口南沙 好价格,有柜请多询价!
客户单证100/份 专业合规安全申报!经验丰富!放行率超高!
公司渠道稳定可靠!超低查验率!通关快捷!诚信合作!安全报关 值得信赖,愿为您解决通关困扰!
时间:2023-3-27 9:35:11.标签 :